Torchlight Infinite Database

Our comprehensive database contains information on heroes, weapons, helmets, chest armor, gloves, boots, shields, trinkets, skills, materials, and specializations, among many other items. Our goal is to serve as your go-to source for all information regarding Torchlight: Infinite.

Dev Notes

Codex.Games is a fandom project for gamers. We envision a platform that helps players - of any game genre - get the information they need! Information is king in all types of games! There is a huge advantage when we know more about a game's mechanic, and we are here to try and fill that part for you! As gamers ourselves we wish that this project would grow to become a community that contributes knowledge and tips in the games we play.

We aim to provide and develop more features for Codex.Games in the coming future. We are just getting started!

Codex.Games is here to help games grow and for players around the world have even more wonderful and enjoyable experience in the games they play.