Terrain of Malice Torchlight Infinite

Terrain of Malice Torchlight Infinite

  • Support
  • Level Req.28

Support Curse Skills.

Terrain of Malice Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Terrain of Malice Torchlight Infinite
Type Support
Skill Lv. 1
Level Req. 28
Tags Support, Curse
Mana Cost Multi 120%
  • The supported Curse Skill becomes a instant-cast skill. Upon being cast, it inflicts its Curse effect persistently to enemies within an area centered around the caster. The duration of the area is equal to the Duration of the Curse effect of the supported skill, and the radius is 200% of the base Radius of the supported skill. CD of the supported skill is changed to 8s
  • -20% Curse effect for the supported skill

Terrain of Malice Changes per season Torchlight Infinite

  • No changes
  • No changes