Chromatic Shot Torchlight Infinite

Chromatic Shot Torchlight Infinite

  • Active
  • Level Req.32

Launches multiple Projectiles that auto-trace target.

Chromatic Shot Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Chromatic Shot Torchlight Infinite
Type Active
Skill Lv. 1
Level Req. 32
Tags Spell, Projectile, Cold, Erosion, Fire, Lightning, Physical, Horizontal
Interval 0.65s
  • Deals 2-3 Spell Physical damage
  • Deals 2-3 Spell Fire damage
  • Deals 1-4 Spell Lightning damage
  • Deals 2-2 Spell Cold damage
  • Deals 2-2 Spell Erosion damage
  • Projectile Quantity of this skill +2
  • This skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state
  • The Projectiles can hit the same target.

Chromatic Shot Changes per season Torchlight Infinite

  • Projectile Quantity of this skill +2
  • This skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state
  • Fire 3.0 Proiectiles.