Huma Tower of Fantasy

Huma Tower of Fantasy

  • Defence
  • Flame

Huma Details Tower of Fantasy

Name Huma Tower of Fantasy
Rarity SSR
Type Defence Simulacra Defence
Element Flame Simulacra Flame

Huma Weapon

Huma Matrice Tower of Fantasy

  • Huma Prototype Tower of Fantasy
  • Huma Awakened Tower of Fantasy
Huma Prototype Preview Tower of Fantasy
Huma Awakened Preview Tower of Fantasy

Character Traits

1200 Pts Each time Huma receives damage, gain 1 Fortitude mark and gain 1 more Fortitude mark if it is flame damage, up to 1 time per 1 second and 12 stacks in total. Upon using a weapon skill, use all Fortitude marks and gain an HP shield equal to the number of marks x 0.4% HP for 12 seconds. If Fortitude marks are used when the effect is stacked up to the maximum, then gain an HP shield equal to the number of marks x 0.6% HP.
4000 Pts Each time Huma receives damage, gain 1 Fortitude mark and gain 1 more Fortitude mark if it is flame damage, up to 1 time per 1 second and 12 stacks in total. Upon using a weapon skill, use all Fortitude marks and gain an HP shield equal to the number of marks x 0.6% HP for 12 seconds. If Fortitude marks are used when the effect is stacked up to the maximum, then gain an HP shield equal to the number of marks x 0.9% HP.