Shadow Sand ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Weapon StaffWhen you face yourself from the future,can you recognize "yourself"? The flowing sand will not tell you the answer. No matter how hard you try,it will be scattered from your palm. Maybe that is the fate...
Shadow Sand Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Name | Shadow Sand ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love |
Type | Weapon Staff |
Jobs | AcolyteAdvanced Novice.Arcane MasterArchbishopChannellerChaotic ArchmageChronomancerDemon WhispererHigh PriestHigh WizardMageNoviceNovice GuardianOccultistPriestProfessorSageSaintSlayerSorcererSoul BinderSpirit SummonerSpirit WhispererSpiritualistSummonerSuper NoviceWarlockWitchWizard |