Ritual Ancient Mask ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Ritual Ancient Mask ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Off Hand Shield

An ritual article Comodo islanders wore on their face while worshipping the ancestors in ancient times. Legend has it that this scary looking mask can ward off evil spirits and bless the tribe with peace and stability.

Ritual Ancient Mask Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Name Ritual Ancient Mask ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Type Off Hand Shield
  • VIT +12
  • Max HP +3000
  • DMG of no attribute or Holy,Dark,Ghost,and Poison DMG received -12%. Phy. and M. DEF +10%. When Refine +10,DMG of no attribute or Holy,Dark,Ghost,and Poison DMG received -6%. When Refine +15,DMG of no attribute or Holy,Dark,Ghost,and Poison DMG received -6%
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