Hand of Chaos [1] ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Hand of Chaos [1] ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Weapon Staff

A black glove dedicated to chaotic magic. Enchantment Perfusion gave it its chaotic black. The dark color can block photons,releasing the destructive force in its purest form.

Hand of Chaos [1] Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Name Hand of Chaos [1] ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Type Weapon Staff
  • M.Atk +418
  • Int +18
  • M.ATK +10%
  • For every +1 Refine,+2% M.DEF ignored.
  • Demon Whisperer AoE skill dmg increased by 15%.
  • For every +1 Refine,Demon Whisperer AoE skill dmg increased by 1%.
  • When refining +5,grants Ignore M.DEF +5%,When refining +10,Magic Damage +5%,When refining +15,M.ATK +5%
Jobs Chaotic ArchmageDemon WhispererSlayer