Forest Staff [2] ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Forest Staff [2] ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Weapon Staff

Atk of Earth Spike and Heaven`s Drive +10%. INT + 3,M.Atk +230. When equipped with a full set of Forest equipments,all Earth magic skills' Atk +40%,Fire magic skills' Atk -30 %,resistance to Fire Dmg -50%.

Forest Staff [2] Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Name Forest Staff [2] ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Type Weapon Staff
  • M.Atk +210
  • Agi +5
  • Attack Spd +15%
  • Spray damage to targets and all targets surrounding in a small area (only effective to Mages),For Each Refining,Flee +3,Attack Spd +1%
Jobs Arcane MasterArchbishopChaotic ArchmageDemon WhispererHigh PriestHigh WizardPriestSaintSlayerWarlockWizard