Divine Feather Clothes ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
GarmentsA feather robe weaved by Warrior of Strata,light like the wind and soft like feathers. Put it on and you are shrouded by magnificence.
Divine Feather Clothes Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Name | Divine Feather Clothes ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love |
Type | Garments |
Stats |
Jobs | Advanced Novice.AlchemistArcane MasterArchbishopBegetterChannellerChaotic ArchmageChronomancerCreatorDemon WhispererGeneticHigh PriestHigh WizardNinjaNovice GuardianOccultistPriestProfessorSageSaintShadow WolfSlayerSorcererSoul BinderSpirit SummonerSpirit WhispererSpiritualistSummonerSuper NoviceWarlockWizardYamata |