Demon Weapon - Crocell ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Weapon StaffForbidden weapon forged with Morroc shards,corresponding to the otherworld demon No. 49 Crocell. It can see through secrets and teach geometry and other liberal sciences.
Demon Weapon - Crocell Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Name | Demon Weapon - Crocell ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love |
Type | Weapon Staff |
Jobs | AcolyteAdvanced Novice.Arcane MasterArchbishopChannellerChaotic ArchmageChronomancerDemon WhispererHigh PriestHigh WizardMageNoviceNovice GuardianOccultistPriestProfessorSageSaintSlayerSorcererSoul BinderSpirit SummonerSpirit WhispererSpiritualistSummonerSuper NoviceWarlockWitchWizard |