Dark Star Stealth Clothes[1] ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Dark Star Stealth Clothes[1] ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love


Dark Star Stealth Clothes[1] Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Name Dark Star Stealth Clothes[1] ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Type Armor
  • Def +196
  • Dex +20
  • Atk +12%
  • Max HP +3
  • 500
  • Def +10%
  • Every 1 refining increases M.Def by 1%.
  • Increases the Int of the Falcon Force effect. When Int reaches 180 or above,increases the Atk of the Falcon Force effect.
  • Refine +5 grants Atk +3%. Refine +10 grants Atk +5%. Refine +15 grants Atk +7%. Increases the Atk of the Falcon Force effect.
  • Starting from refined +8,every +1 refining increases physical damage by 1% (up to 8%).
  • [Cursed Lyre IV] + [Dark Star Stealth Clothes]: Increases Atk of Beast Attack Effects
Jobs HunterRangerSniperStellar Hunter