Belief Wand ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Weapon StaffBaphomet once led an unprecedented invasion of Morroc,where tens of thousands of civilians were injured or killed. In time of peril,fourteen warriors stepped forth and saved Morroc at the cost of their own lives,leaving behind their weapons that were deemed as a symbol of belief by Morroc citizens. This staff is one of the 14 weapons.
Belief Wand Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Name | Belief Wand ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love |
Type | Weapon Staff |
Jobs | AcolyteAdvanced Novice.Arcane MasterArchbishopChannellerChaotic ArchmageChronomancerDemon WhispererHigh PriestHigh WizardMageNoviceNovice GuardianOccultistPriestProfessorSageSaintSlayerSorcererSoul BinderSpirit SummonerSpirit WhispererSpiritualistSummonerSuper NoviceWarlockWitchWizard |