Summon Thunder Spirit Torchlight Infinite

Summon Thunder Spirit Torchlight Infinite

  • Passive
  • Level Req.20

Conjures a Lightning Spirit Magus to fight for you. The Lightning Spirit Magus deals Ranged Attack Damage and has Quick Electrocute
Quick Electrocute

Fires an lightning bolt that travels forward, dealing lightning attack damage.

, Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike

Critical strike grants a buff that increases projectile speed and attack speed. Stacks up to 4 times

, and Lightning Punishment
Lightning Punishment

Fires a swift project that jumps 4 times, dealing lightning attack damage. Chance to reduce additional damage dealt by enemies on hit.

as its skills, This minion cannot be killed. When its Life drops to below O, it enters the Reconjuring

Gains additional life restoration but cannot use skills or be targeted. Loses this status once fully healed

status instead.

Summon Thunder Spirit Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Summon Thunder Spirit Torchlight Infinite
Type Passive
Skill Lv. 1
Level Req. 20
Tags Spell, Summon, Spirit Magus, Lightning
Interval 1.00s
Sealed Mana 35%
  • This skill summons up to 1 Minions
  • Gains Origin of Thunder: +35% Attack Speed and Cast Speed.
  • 50% of the caster's Lightning Damage bonus is applied to the Minion.
  • Adds 1-9 Lightning Damage to the Minion per 20 Dexterity the caster has.
  • Minions last forever.
  • The Minion's Base Elemental

    Fire, cold, and lightning

    Resistance is 60% and Erosion Resistance is 20%.

Summon Thunder Spirit Changes per season Torchlight Infinite

  • Gains Origin of Thunder: +16% Attack Speed and Cast Speed.
  • Gains Origin of Thunder: +35% Attack Speed and Cast Speed.