Focused Slash Torchlight Infinite

Focused Slash Torchlight Infinite

  • Active
  • Level Req.55

Attacks enemy units ahead in the Sweep Slash form and has a chance to turn the strikes into Steep Strike
Steep Strike

Chance to gain 1 Steep Strike attempt when using Slash-Strike skills' Sweep Slash form. When a Slash-Strike skill have Steep Strike attempts, it will be cast in Steep Strike form

. Every stack of Focus

Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

grants increased Attack Speed to the skill. Every point of Fervor Rating
Fervor Rating

+2% Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating per point of Fervor Rating. The maximum Fervor rating is 100.

will increase the effects of Focus

Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

on the skill. Every stack of Focus

Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

will reduce the Duration of Fervor

Accumulates Fervor when you defeat enemies or hit Elite enemies while having Fervor Rating. +2% Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating per point of Fervor Rating. The maximum Fervor rating is 100.

. Sweep Slash: Gains 1 stack of Focus

Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

on hit. Steep Strike
Steep Strike

Chance to gain 1 Steep Strike attempt when using Slash-Strike skills' Sweep Slash form. When a Slash-Strike skill have Steep Strike attempts, it will be cast in Steep Strike form

: Each stack of Focus

Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

increases Steep Strike
Steep Strike

Chance to gain 1 Steep Strike attempt when using Slash-Strike skills' Sweep Slash form. When a Slash-Strike skill have Steep Strike attempts, it will be cast in Steep Strike form


Focused Slash Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Focused Slash Torchlight Infinite
Type Active
Skill Lv. 1
Level Req. 55
Tags Attack, Melee, Area, Slash-Strike
  • Deals 85.0% weapon attack damage
  • Deals 196.0% weapon attack damage
  • Max base Steep Strike
    Steep Strike

    Chance to gain 1 Steep Strike attempt when using Slash-Strike skills' Sweep Slash form. When a Slash-Strike skill have Steep Strike attempts, it will be cast in Steep Strike form

    attempts 1
  • Fervor

    Accumulates Fervor when you defeat enemies or hit Elite enemies while having Fervor Rating. +2% Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating per point of Fervor Rating. The maximum Fervor rating is 100.

    -10% Duration per stack of Focus

    Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

  • +30% chance for the skill to grant 1 Steep Strike
    Steep Strike

    Chance to gain 1 Steep Strike attempt when using Slash-Strike skills' Sweep Slash form. When a Slash-Strike skill have Steep Strike attempts, it will be cast in Steep Strike form

  • +1% for the effect of Focus

    Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

    on the skill per 1 Fervor Rating
    Fervor Rating

    +2% Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating per point of Fervor Rating. The maximum Fervor rating is 100.

  • Each stack of Focus

    Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

    grants +3% Attack Speed to the skill
  • Each stack of Focus

    Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

    deals +2% additional damage when Steep Strike
    Steep Strike

    Chance to gain 1 Steep Strike attempt when using Slash-Strike skills' Sweep Slash form. When a Slash-Strike skill have Steep Strike attempts, it will be cast in Steep Strike form

    with the skill
  • Each stack of Focus

    Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

    additionally provides +2% Ailment Damage for the skill's Steep Strike
    Steep Strike

    Chance to gain 1 Steep Strike attempt when using Slash-Strike skills' Sweep Slash form. When a Slash-Strike skill have Steep Strike attempts, it will be cast in Steep Strike form

  • Focus

    Status effects provide different buff effects to different skills. Stacks up to 5 times

    lasts for 5s and stacks up to 5 times.

Focused Slash Changes per season Torchlight Infinite

  • No changes
  • No changes