Thundercloud Torchlight Infinite

Thundercloud Torchlight Infinite

  • Active
  • Level Req.7

Create a Thundercloud over the head while channeling to attack enemies within a certain area and gain channeled stacks. The Thundercloud lasts longer with more channeled stacks, The channeled stacks decreases over time as the channeling ends

Thundercloud Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Thundercloud Torchlight Infinite
Type Active
Skill Lv. 1
Level Req. 7
Tags Spell, Persistent, Lightning, Channeled, Area, Chain
Interval 0.25s
  • Deals 1-12 Spell Lightning damage
  • Channels up to 5.0 stacks.
  • Thundercloud duration +2.5s per stack.
  • Thundercloud attacks up to 3.0 targets.

  • Jumps

    Upon hitting a target a horizontal projectile or chaining skill leaps to another target nearby, dealing reduced damage after each leap

    for the skill
  • Thundercloud's attack frequency reaches max at 9 channeled stacks

Thundercloud Changes per season Torchlight Infinite

  • No changes
  • No changes