Scorching Beam Torchlight Infinite

Scorching Beam Torchlight Infinite

  • Active
  • Level Req.55

This spell launches a Fire Beam at the enemy at the destination of the beam while channeling. At max channeled stacks, it creates a Fire explosion within a certain area.

Scorching Beam Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Scorching Beam Torchlight Infinite
Type Active
Skill Lv. 1
Level Req. 55
Tags Spell, Fire, Channeled, Area, Laser Beam
Interval 0.25s
  • Deals 2-3 Spell Fire damage
  • Channels up to 5.0 stacks.
  • At maximum stacks, removes all stacks and triggers an explosion at the end of the Laser Beam, dealing 200% more Damage.

Scorching Beam Changes per season Torchlight Infinite

  • Deals 2-4 Spell Fire damage
  • Deals 2-3 Spell Fire damage