Wilting Beam Torchlight Infinite

Wilting Beam Torchlight Infinite

  • Active
  • Level Req.55

Channel to launch a Wilting Beam that deals DoT to enemies on contact. When the maximum channeled stacks are reached, Reaps all enemies within beam radius and consumes all channeled stacks.

Wilting Beam Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Wilting Beam Torchlight Infinite
Type Active
Skill Lv. 1
Level Req. 55
Tags Spell, Channeled, Erosion, Persistent, Area, Laser Beam
Interval 0.25s
  • Deals 10 per second Erosion DoT Damage
  • Charges up to 5.0 stacks.
  • At max channeled stacks, removes all stacks and Reaps enemies within the range of the Beam 2.0s of DoT Damage. Reaping #833277Cooldown:#833277,cooldown#s.

Wilting Beam Changes per season Torchlight Infinite

  • At max channeled stacks, removes all stacks and Reaps enemies within the range of the Beam 2.0s of DoT Damage. Reaping #833277Cooldown:#833277,cooldown#s.
  • At max channeled stacks, removes all stacks and Reaps enemies within the range of the Beam 2.0s of DoT Damage. Reaping 0.5 becomes.