Sun's Embrace Torchlight Infinite

Sun's Embrace Torchlight Infinite

  • Helmet
  • STR
  • Lv.60

I shall kiss you with the sun's prominence, hug you with the sun's corona, and love you with the sun's heart.

Sun's Embrace Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Sun's Embrace Torchlight Infinite
Item Lv. 60
Rarity Legendary
Type Helmet
Sub Type STR
  • 3150 Armor
  • 16-20% critical strike rating
  • T1 60-80 maximum Life
  • T1 60-80% fire damage
  • T1 1 Ignition Duration
  • T1 Inflicts 1 additional stacks of Ignite.
  • T1 30-40% cold resistance