Will of Fight Torchlight Infinite

Will of Fight Torchlight Infinite

  • Boots
  • INT
  • Lv.40

"I will fight and fight and fight until the world ends."

Will of Fight Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Will of Fight Torchlight Infinite
Item Lv. 40
Rarity Legendary
Type Boots
Sub Type INT
  • 95 Maximum Energy Shield
  • 6% cold resistance
  • T1 12-16% dexterity
  • T1 30-40 maximum Life
  • T1 30% movement speed
  • T1 4-6% Damage per stack of Agility Blessing
  • T1 10% Critical Strike Rating per stack of Agility Blessing
  • T1 Gains 1 stacks of Agility Blessing for every 5m moved