Shadow of Thunderlight's Footsteps Torchlight Infinite

Shadow of Thunderlight's Footsteps Torchlight Infinite

  • Boots
  • DEX
  • Lv.60

Thunder announces his arrival, as one can confirm his existence with the eyes.

Shadow of Thunderlight's Footsteps Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Shadow of Thunderlight's Footsteps Torchlight Infinite
Item Lv. 60
Rarity Legendary
Type Boots
Sub Type DEX
  • 2160 Evasion
  • 6% lightning resistance
  • T1 60-80 maximum Life
  • T1 500-600 gear evasion
  • T1 100% Multistrike chance on the next Main Skill when using a Mobility skill
  • T1 Multistrike triggers Shock Damage 1 more times on hit
  • T1 20-25% movement speed