Blade-dancer's Steps Torchlight Infinite

Blade-dancer's Steps Torchlight Infinite

  • Boots
  • DEX
  • Lv.62

I seem to have died once, like love on the edge of despair.

Blade-dancer's Steps Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Blade-dancer's Steps Torchlight Infinite
Item Lv. 62
Rarity Legendary
Type Boots
Sub Type DEX
  • 2700 Evasion
  • 16-20% chance to avoid Elemental Ailment
  • T1 300-400% gear evasion
  • T1 20-30% movement speed when mobility skills cast recently
  • T1 30-40% extra mobility skill damage
  • T1 When defeating an enemy, you can consume 1 stacks of Agility Blessing to reset cooldown for Mobility skills.