Stellar Vestment of Eminence Torchlight Infinite

Stellar Vestment of Eminence Torchlight Infinite

  • Chest Armor
  • INT
  • Lv.70

Only those who don this robe may look up at the night sky from the astrological platform.

Stellar Vestment of Eminence Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Stellar Vestment of Eminence Torchlight Infinite
Item Lv. 70
Rarity Legendary
Type Chest Armor
Sub Type INT
  • 220 Maximum Energy Shield
  • 28-36 maximum mana
  • T1 100-120 gear energy shield
  • T1 15-20% Elemental Resistance
  • T1 55-65% Maximum Fire Resistance
  • T1 -60% additional Barrage wave interval and -10% additional Barrage Skill Damage.
  • T1 Strength no longer provides bonus to maximum life