Heavyware Torchlight Infinite

Heavyware Torchlight Infinite

  • Chest Armor
  • STR
  • Lv.70

There is no land under the heaven that does not belong to the king.

Heavyware Details Torchlight Infinite

Name Heavyware Torchlight Infinite
Item Lv. 70
Rarity Legendary
Type Chest Armor
Sub Type STR
  • 4320 Armor
  • 28-36 maximum Life
  • T1 600-800 gear armor
  • T1 30-50% gear armor
  • T1 80-100 maximum Life
  • T1 20-25% Erosion Resistance
  • T1 30-35 strength
  • T1 10-15% additional Damage taken by enemies in proximity
  • T1 10-15% additional Damage dealt by enemies in proximity