Saki Fuwa Tower of Fantasy

Saki Fuwa Tower of Fantasy

  • Defence
  • Frost

Saki Fuwa Details Tower of Fantasy

Name Saki Fuwa Tower of Fantasy
Rarity SSR
Type Defence Simulacra Defence
Element Frost Simulacra Frost

Saki Fuwa Weapon

Saki Fuwa Matrice Tower of Fantasy

  • Saki Fuwa Prototype Tower of Fantasy
  • Saki Fuwa Awakened Tower of Fantasy
Saki Fuwa Prototype Preview Tower of Fantasy
Saki Fuwa Awakened Preview Tower of Fantasy

Character Traits

1200 Pts When HP is lower than 70%, increase resistance by 40%.
4000 Pts When HP is lower than 70%, increase all resistance by 40% with an extra 60% increased frost resistance. In the state of Silent Flow: After the sword shadow releases Surge and blocks an attack, the teammate with the lowest HP percentage will get 3 block abilities, not including yourself, lasting for 10 seconds. The maximum blocking damage does not exceed 15% of the teammate's max HP.