Tsubasa Tower of Fantasy

Tsubasa Tower of Fantasy

  • Attack
  • Frost

Tsubasa Details Tower of Fantasy

Name Tsubasa Tower of Fantasy
Rarity SSR
Type Attack Simulacra Attack
Element Frost Simulacra Frost

Tsubasa Weapon

Tsubasa Matrice Tower of Fantasy

  • Tsubasa Prototype Tower of Fantasy
  • Tsubasa Awakened Tower of Fantasy
Tsubasa Prototype Preview Tower of Fantasy
Tsubasa Awakened Preview Tower of Fantasy

Character Traits

1200 Pts Each time Tsubasa deals damage, gain 1 stack of Fierce Strike, up to 1 stack per 1 second. Each stack adds 0.5% ATK, up to 15 stacks. Refreshes effect duration upon gaining the effect again. The effect lasts for 30 seconds.
4000 Pts Each time Tsubasa deals damage, gain 1 stack of Fierce Strike, up to 1 stack per 1 second. Each stack adds 0.6% ATK, up to 30 stacks. Refreshes effect duration upon gaining the effect again. The effect lasts for 30 seconds.