The Blue Izlude Sea ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

The Blue Izlude Sea ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love


The log book ended with,"When the moon fell into the velvet ocean for the 51st time,we finally saw lights onshore. Both Conwest and Moorelun had tears of excitement in their eyes. The only other time I saw the latter cry was on father`s funeral. We took out the hand paddles in silent and began humming the Old Man by the Sky Ford,a song we had learned upon our birth. Now we sail towards the shore,the motherland of our parents.

The Blue Izlude Sea Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Name The Blue Izlude Sea ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Type Back
  • Atk +3%
  • M.Atk +3%
  • Job EXP of killing monsters +5%
  • Refine Atk +5,refining M.Atk +5
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