Baphomet Jr.’s Summer ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Baphomet Jr.’s Summer ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love


A little to the left,a little more to the right,okay,there it is! If you want to run around with watermelon on the beach,be careful not to be knocked on your ass by the blindfolded man who wants to eat watermelon!

Baphomet Jr.’s Summer Details ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Name Baphomet Jr.’s Summer ROM - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Type Back
  • AGI +5
  • Critical +5
  • 5% chance to Flee magic damage. +1% Flee chance for every 50 Flee you have (up to 15%)
  • Atk +1% M.Atk +1%
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