Primary Core of Origin Idle Heroes

Primary Core of Origin Idle Heroes

Core of Origin

Core of Origin Details Idle Heroes

Name Primary Core of Origin Idle Heroes
Type Core of Origin
  • 4.0 Attack
  • 6.0 HP
  • At the end of each round, grants 1 layer of Secondary Concentrated Ray for the 3 allies with the highest Attack (except self) for 2 rounds and increases their Armor by 15% for 2 rounds. When self releases basic attacks, grants 1 layer of Secondary Magic Explosion for the 2 allies with the highest Attack (except self) for 2 rounds and increases their DoT Reduction by 6% for 2 rounds. When self releases active skills, grants 1 layer of Secondary Freezing Piece for the 1 ally with the highest Attack (except self) for 2 rounds and increases their All-damage Reduction by 5% for 2 rounds. Secondary Charged Energy have extra effects when the targets release basic attacks or attack skills: Secondary Concentrated Ray: Each layer deals (160% of Attack) damage to 1 random enemy 1-3 time(s); Secondary Magic Explosion: Each layer deals (160% of Attack) damage that ignores Armor to the 2 enemies with the lowest HP and Burns them, dealing (160% of Attack) damage for 2 rounds; Secondary Freezing Piece: Each layer deals (420% of Attack) damage to all enemies, with a 15% chance to Freeze 3 random enemies respectively for 2 rounds.